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View Module

A View is a presentation of a data Table (such as the display order of fields/records, visibility, etc.), a data table has at least one view, possibly multiple views, each view has a unique identifier viewId, viewId is unique in a multi-dimensional table.


Note the difference here with the Table module. In the View module, the order of fields/records is ordered.

The View module can be obtained in the Table layer via the getViewById method:

const view = await table.getViewById(viewId);
const view = await table.getViewById(viewId);

View can be seen through the following figure as responsible for the UI display on the page, so many APIs related to the UI display format exist in the View layer, such as filtering/grouping/sorting, etc.


In the View layer, many interfaces, such as grouping/filtering/sorting, etc., need to call the view.applySetting method if you need to save or synchronize with other users after calling the API.

Different types of views

Currently, 6 different types of views are supported, and the available capabilities of different types of views vary:

View basic abilities

The most basic capabilities in the view include filtering, sorting and grouping. Their usage will be introduced below. The relevant APIs are defined in specific types of modules, such as GridView.


The view filters out records that meet the conditions in the data table based on the filtering conditions, and is mainly composed of two parts of information: FilterInfoCondition and FilterConjunction

interface IFilterInfo {
  conjunction: FilterConjunction;
  conditions: FilterInfoCondition[];
interface IFilterInfo {
  conjunction: FilterConjunction;
  conditions: FilterInfoCondition[];


FilterInfoCondition represents the filter condition. Each Condition consists of three basic elements: field + filter operator + matching value.

interface FilterInfoCondition {
  fieldId: string; // field unique identifier
  conditionId?: string; // condition is a unique identifier, which does not need to be passed in when adding a new one.
  value: FieldValue;  // Field match value
  operator: FilterOperator; // match operator
interface FilterInfoCondition {
  fieldId: string; // field unique identifier
  conditionId?: string; // condition is a unique identifier, which does not need to be passed in when adding a new one.
  value: FieldValue;  // Field match value
  operator: FilterOperator; // match operator


Among them, FilterConjunction represents the effective condition of the filter condition, FilterConjunction.And represents that all filter conditions are met, and FilterConjunction.Or represents that any filter condition is met:

enum FilterConjunction {
  And = 'and',
  Or = 'or'
enum FilterConjunction {
  And = 'and',
  Or = 'or'

Different fields can match different filter operators and matching values. The specific types are as follows:

operatorFilterOperator.IsEmpty | FilterOperator.IsNotEmptyFilterOperator.IsFilterOperator.Is | FilterOperator.IsNot | FilterOperator.IsGreater | FilterOperator.IsGreaterEqual | FilterOperator.IsLess | FilterOperator.IsLessEqual | FilterOperator.IsEmpty | FilterOperator.IsNotEmpty;FilterOperator.Is | FilterOperator.IsGreater | FilterOperator.IsLess | FilterOperator.IsEmpty | FilterOperator.IsNotEmptyFilterOperator.Is | FilterOperator.IsGreater | FilterOperator.IsLess | FilterOperator.IsEmpty | FilterOperator.IsNotEmptyFilterOperator.Is | FilterOperator.IsGreater | FilterOperator.IsLess | FilterOperator.IsEmpty | FilterOperator.IsNotEmptyBaseFilterOperatorBaseFilterOperatorBaseFilterOperatorBaseFilterOperatorBaseFilterOperatorFilterOperatorBaseFilterOperatorBaseFilterOperatorFilterOperatorBaseFilterOperatorFilterOperator.Is | FilterOperator.IsNot | FilterOperator.Contains | FilterOperator.DoesNotContain | FilterOperator.IsEmpty | FilterOperator.IsNotEmptyBaseFilterOperatorBaseFilterOperatorFilterOperator.Is | FilterOperator.IsNot | FilterOperator.IsGreater | FilterOperator.IsGreaterEqual | FilterOperator.IsLess | FilterOperator.IsLessEqual | FilterOperator.IsEmpty | FilterOperator.IsNotEmptyBaseFilterOperatorFilterOperator.Is | FilterOperator.IsNot | FilterOperator.IsGreater | FilterOperator.IsGreaterEqual | FilterOperator.IsLess | FilterOperator.IsLessEqual | FilterOperator.IsEmpty | FilterOperator.IsNotEmptyBaseFilterOperatorFilterOperator.Is | FilterOperator.IsNot | FilterOperator.IsGreater | FilterOperator.IsGreaterEqual | FilterOperator.IsLess | FilterOperator.IsLessEqual | FilterOperator.IsEmpty | FilterOperator.IsNotEmptyFilterOperator.Is | FilterOperator.IsNot | FilterOperator.IsGreater | FilterOperator.IsGreaterEqual | FilterOperator.IsLess | FilterOperator.IsLessEqual | FilterOperator.IsEmpty | FilterOperator.IsNotEmpty
valuenull boolean | nullnumber | nullIFilterDateTimeValue = number | FilterDuration | nullnumber | FilterDuration | nullnumber | FilterDuration | nullstring[] | nullstring[] | nullstring[] | nullstring[] | nullstring[] | nullIFilterAllstring[] | nullstring | nullIFilterAllstring[] | null | stringstring[] | stringstring | nullstring | nullnumber | nullstring | nullnumber | nullstring | nullnumber | nullnumber | null

The FilterOperator is defined as follows:

enum FilterOperator {
  /** Equal */
  Is = 'is',
  /** Not equal */
  IsNot = 'isNot',
  /** Contains */
  Contains = 'contains',
  /** Does not contain */
  DoesNotContain = 'doesNotContain',
  /** Is empty */
  IsEmpty = 'isEmpty',
  /** Is not empty */
  IsNotEmpty = 'isNotEmpty',
  /** Greater than */
  IsGreater = 'isGreater',
  /** Greater than or equal to */
  IsGreaterEqual = 'isGreaterEqual',
  /** Less than */
  IsLess = 'isLess',
  /** Less than or equal to */
  IsLessEqual = 'isLessEqual'
enum FilterOperator {
  /** Equal */
  Is = 'is',
  /** Not equal */
  IsNot = 'isNot',
  /** Contains */
  Contains = 'contains',
  /** Does not contain */
  DoesNotContain = 'doesNotContain',
  /** Is empty */
  IsEmpty = 'isEmpty',
  /** Is not empty */
  IsNotEmpty = 'isNotEmpty',
  /** Greater than */
  IsGreater = 'isGreater',
  /** Greater than or equal to */
  IsGreaterEqual = 'isGreaterEqual',
  /** Less than */
  IsLess = 'isLess',
  /** Less than or equal to */
  IsLessEqual = 'isLessEqual'

FilterDuration is defined as follows:

enum FilterDuration {
  /** Today */
  Today = "Today",
  /** Tomorrow */
  Tomorrow = "Tomorrow",
  /** Yesterday */
  Yesterday = "Yesterday",
  /** Past 7 days */
  TheLastWeek = "TheLastWeek",
  /** Next 7 days */
  TheNextWeek = "TheNextWeek",
  /** Past 30 days */
  TheLastMonth = "TheLastMonth",
  /** Next 30 days */
  TheNextMonth = "TheNextMonth",
  /** Current week */
  CurrentWeek = "CurrentWeek",
  /** Last week */
  LastWeek = "LastWeek",
  /** Current month */
  CurrentMonth = "CurrentMonth",
  /** Last month */
  LastMonth = "LastMonth"
enum FilterDuration {
  /** Today */
  Today = "Today",
  /** Tomorrow */
  Tomorrow = "Tomorrow",
  /** Yesterday */
  Yesterday = "Yesterday",
  /** Past 7 days */
  TheLastWeek = "TheLastWeek",
  /** Next 7 days */
  TheNextWeek = "TheNextWeek",
  /** Past 30 days */
  TheLastMonth = "TheLastMonth",
  /** Next 30 days */
  TheNextMonth = "TheNextMonth",
  /** Current week */
  CurrentWeek = "CurrentWeek",
  /** Last week */
  LastWeek = "LastWeek",
  /** Current month */
  CurrentMonth = "CurrentMonth",
  /** Last month */
  LastMonth = "LastMonth"

BaseFilterOperator is defined as follows:

type BaseFilterOperator =
  | FilterOperator.IsNot
  | FilterOperator.Contains
  | FilterOperator.DoesNotContain
  | FilterOperator.IsEmpty
  | FilterOperator.IsNotEmpty;
type BaseFilterOperator =
  | FilterOperator.IsNot
  | FilterOperator.Contains
  | FilterOperator.DoesNotContain
  | FilterOperator.IsEmpty
  | FilterOperator.IsNotEmpty;


The view sorts the records in the data table according to certain rules. A sorting rule consists of field ID + order:

interface ISortInfo {
  fieldId: string;
  /** false: Ascending A -> Z;  true: Descending Z -> A */
  desc: boolean;
interface ISortInfo {
  fieldId: string;
  /** false: Ascending A -> Z;  true: Descending Z -> A */
  desc: boolean;


Views group records in the data table according to certain rules. A grouping rule consists of field ID + order:

interface IGroupInfo {
  fieldId: string;
  /** false: Ascending A -> Z;  true: Descending Z -> A */
  desc: boolean;
interface IGroupInfo {
  fieldId: string;
  /** false: Ascending A -> Z;  true: Descending Z -> A */
  desc: boolean;

Apply Settings


For grouping/filtering/sorting capabilities in the View module, after calling the write API, if you want to save or synchronize to other users, you need to call the applySetting method