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CreateTime Field

The CreateTime field represents the creation time of a record. It is a read-only field and cannot be set manually.

To use the CreateTime field, you need to retrieve it from the table using the getField method:

const createTimeField = await table.getField<ICreateTimeField>(fieldId);
const createTimeField = await table.getField<ICreateTimeField>(fieldId);

The corresponding data type for the CreateTime field is IOpenTimestamp, which represents a Unix timestamp in milliseconds.



getValue: (recordOrId: IRecordType | string) => Promise<IOpenTimestamp>;
getValue: (recordOrId: IRecordType | string) => Promise<IOpenTimestamp>;

This method retrieves the creation time of a record. You need to provide either the record object or the record ID as the parameter.


getCell: (recordOrId: IRecordType | string) => Promise<ICell>;
getCell: (recordOrId: IRecordType | string) => Promise<ICell>;

This method retrieves the cell of the CreateTime field for a specific record. You need to provide either the record object or the record ID as the parameter.


setDateFormat: (format: DateFormatter) => Promise<IFieldRes>;
setDateFormat: (format: DateFormatter) => Promise<IFieldRes>;

This method sets the date format for the CreateTime field. The format parameter should be one of the following options from the DateFormatter enum:

  • DATE_YMD_WITH_SLASH: "yyyy/MM/dd" (e.g., "2021/01/30")
  • DATE_TIME: "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm" (e.g., "2021/01/30 14:00")
  • DATE_TIME_WITH_HYPHEN: "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm" (e.g., "2021-01-30 14:00")
  • DATE_YMD_WITH_HYPHEN: "yyyy-MM-dd" (e.g., "2021-01-30")
  • DATE_MD_WITH_HYPHEN: "MM-dd" (e.g., "01-30")
  • DATE_MMDD_WITH_SLASH: "MM/dd/yyyy" (e.g., "01/30/2021")
  • DATE_DDMM_WITH_SLASH: "dd/MM/yyyy" (e.g., "30/01/2021")


getDateFormat: () => Promise<DateFormatter>;
getDateFormat: () => Promise<DateFormatter>;

This method retrieves the current date format for the CreateTime field. It returns a DateFormatter value representing the current date format.