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Table Module

The Table module can be understood as a database for the current data table, which does not involve the UI display of various views (for example, getting the order of fields under Table is unordered, while getting fields under View is ordered).

After obtaining the Table through Base, you can call the API in Table. The most common method to get a Table is getActiveTable:

const table = await bitable.base.getActiveTable()
const table = await bitable.base.getActiveTable()

Methods in Table Module


getName: () => Promise<string>;
getName: () => Promise<string>;

Get the name of the table.

Field Related

Add Field


addField: (fieldConfig: IAddFieldConfig) => Promise<IFieldRes>;
addField: (fieldConfig: IAddFieldConfig) => Promise<IFieldRes>;

Add a new field and return the corresponding field id.

type IAddFieldConfig = {
  type: FieldType;
  property?: FieldProperty;

type IFieldRes = string;
type IAddFieldConfig = {
  type: FieldType;
  property?: FieldProperty;

type IFieldRes = string;

It is recommended to only pass the type parameter, and set the properties after creating the field using the corresponding field-specific methods.

const singleSelectField = await table.addField({ type: FieldType.SingleSelect });
const singleField = await table.getField<ISingleSelectField>(singleSelectField);
await singleField.addOption('Option1');
const singleSelectField = await table.addField({ type: FieldType.SingleSelect });
const singleField = await table.getField<ISingleSelectField>(singleSelectField);
await singleField.addOption('Option1');

In the example above, we first added a single select field, and then added an option on this field (It is recommended to specify the corresponding type <ISingleSelectField> when getting the field to obtain better syntax prompts).


onFieldAdd(callback: (ev: IEventCbCtx) => void): () => void;
onFieldAdd(callback: (ev: IEventCbCtx) => void): () => void;

Listen to the Field add event.

Set Field


Modify the field properties.

setField(fieldId: string, fieldConfig: ISetFieldConfig): Promise<IFieldRes>;
setField(fieldId: string, fieldConfig: ISetFieldConfig): Promise<IFieldRes>;


onFieldModify(callback: (ev: IEventCbCtx) => void): () => void;
onFieldModify(callback: (ev: IEventCbCtx) => void): () => void;

Listen to the Field modify event.

Get Field Information


The fieldIdList obtained through this method is unordered because table is only at the database level and not at the view (UI display) level. Therefore, it is unordered. If you need to obtain an ordered list, you need to call view.getFieldIdList in the View to obtain the ordered field IDs.

getFieldIdList(): Promise<string[]>;
getFieldIdList(): Promise<string[]>;

Get an array of field ids.


getFieldMetaById(fieldId: string): Promise<IFieldMeta>;
getFieldMetaById(fieldId: string): Promise<IFieldMeta>;

Get the corresponding field information by id. The data structure definition of field information:

interface IFieldMeta {
  id: string;
  type: FieldType;
  name: string;
  isPrimary: boolean;
  description: IBaseFieldDescription;
interface IFieldMeta {
  id: string;
  type: FieldType;
  name: string;
  isPrimary: boolean;
  description: IBaseFieldDescription;


The fieldMetaList obtained through this method is unordered because the table is only at the database level and not at the view (UI display) level. Therefore, it is unordered. If you need to obtain an ordered list, you need to call view.getFieldMetaList in the View to obtain the corresponding ordered field meta.

getFieldMetaList(): Promise<IFieldMeta[]>;
getFieldMetaList(): Promise<IFieldMeta[]>;

Get all field information. The data structure definition of field information:

interface IFieldMeta {
  id: string;
  type: FieldType;
  name: string;
  isPrimary: boolean;
  description: IBaseFieldDescription;
interface IFieldMeta {
  id: string;
  type: FieldType;
  name: string;
  isPrimary: boolean;
  description: IBaseFieldDescription;


isFieldExist(fieldId: string): Promise<boolean>;
isFieldExist(fieldId: string): Promise<boolean>;

Check if a field exists by passing the field id.


Fields are the columns in a table that define the structure and data types of the records. This section describes the methods available for working with fields in an Open API table.

Get Field List by Type

getFieldListByType: <T extends IField>(type: FieldType) => Promise<T[]>;
getFieldListByType: <T extends IField>(type: FieldType) => Promise<T[]>;

This method retrieves a list of fields of a specific type. The FieldType parameter is an enum that represents the type of field to retrieve. The method returns a promise that resolves to an array of fields of the specified type. Here's an example:

const attachmentFieldList = await table.getFieldListByType<IAttachmentField>(FieldType.Attachment);
const attachmentFieldList = await table.getFieldListByType<IAttachmentField>(FieldType.Attachment);

In this example, we retrieve a list of attachment fields and define the expected type as IAttachmentField to get proper type checking and intellisense support.

Get Field Meta List by Type

getFieldMetaListByType: <T extends IFieldMeta>(type: FieldType) => Promise<T[]>;
getFieldMetaListByType: <T extends IFieldMeta>(type: FieldType) => Promise<T[]>;

This method retrieves a list of field meta data for fields of a specific type. The FieldType parameter is an enum that represents the type of field to retrieve. The method returns a promise that resolves to an array of field meta data objects. The field meta data object has the following properties:

interface IFieldMeta {
  id: string;
  type: FieldType;
  name: string;
  isPrimary: boolean;
  description: IBaseFieldDescription;
  // Determines the property type based on the field type
  property: T
interface IFieldMeta {
  id: string;
  type: FieldType;
  name: string;
  isPrimary: boolean;
  description: IBaseFieldDescription;
  // Determines the property type based on the field type
  property: T

You can also specify the expected type of the property property by passing in the corresponding type parameter. Here's an example:

const attachmentMetaList = await table.getFieldMetaListByType<IAttachmentFieldMeta>(FieldType.Attachment)
const attachmentMetaList = await table.getFieldMetaListByType<IAttachmentFieldMeta>(FieldType.Attachment)

In this example, we retrieve a list of attachment field meta data and define the expected type as IAttachmentFieldMeta to get proper type checking and intellisense support.

Get Field by ID or Name

getField: <T extends IField>(idOrName: string) => Promise<T>;
getField: <T extends IField>(idOrName: string) => Promise<T>;

This method retrieves a field by its ID or name. You can specify the expected type of the field by passing in the corresponding type parameter. Here's an example:

const field = await table.getField<IAttachmentField>(idOrName);
const field = await table.getField<IAttachmentField>(idOrName);

In this example, we retrieve a field by its ID or name and define the expected type as IAttachmentField to get proper type checking and intellisense support.

Get Field by Name

getFieldByName: <T extends IField>(name: string) => Promise<T>;
getFieldByName: <T extends IField>(name: string) => Promise<T>;

This method retrieves a field by its name. You can specify the expected type of the field by passing in the corresponding type parameter. Here's an example:

const field = await table.getFieldByName<IAttachmentField>(name);
const field = await table.getFieldByName<IAttachmentField>(name);

In this example, we retrieve a field by its name and define the expected type as IAttachmentField to get proper type checking and intellisense support.

Get Field by ID

getFieldById: <T extends IField>(id: string) => Promise<T>;
getFieldById: <T extends IField>(id: string) => Promise<T>;

This method retrieves a field by its ID. You can specify the expected type of the field by passing in the corresponding type parameter. Here's an example:

const field = await table.getFieldById<IAttachmentField>(id);
const field = await table.getFieldById<IAttachmentField>(id);

In this example, we retrieve a field by its ID and define the expected type as IAttachmentField to get proper type checking and intellisense support.

Get Field List

getFieldList: <T extends IField>() => Promise<T[]>;
getFieldList: <T extends IField>() => Promise<T[]>;

This method retrieves the list of fields in the table. You can specify the expected type of the fields by passing in the corresponding type parameter. Here's an example:

const fieldList = await table.getFieldList();
const fieldList = await table.getFieldList();

In this example, we retrieve the list of fields and define the expected type as IAttachmentField to get proper type checking and intellisense support.

Delete Field

deleteField: (fieldOrId: string | IField) => Promise<boolean>;
deleteField: (fieldOrId: string | IField) => Promise<boolean>;

This method deletes a field from the table. You can pass in the field object or its ID as the parameter. Here's an example:

await table.deleteField(attachmentField);
await table.deleteField(attachmentField);

In this example, we delete the attachmentField field. The attachmentField object can be obtained using the table.getField method.

Field Delete Event

onFieldDelete(callback: (ev: IEventCbCtx) => void): () => void;
onFieldDelete(callback: (ev: IEventCbCtx) => void): () => void;

This method registers a callback function to be called when a field is deleted from the table. The callback function receives an event context object as the parameter. Here's an example:

table.onFieldDelete((ev) => {
  console.log(`Field ${ev.fieldId} deleted`);
table.onFieldDelete((ev) => {
  console.log(`Field ${ev.fieldId} deleted`);

In this example, we register a callback function that logs a message when a field is deleted.

Record API

Add Record


addRecord: (recordVale?: IRecordValue | ICell | ICell[]) => Promise<IRecordRes>;
addRecord: (recordVale?: IRecordValue | ICell | ICell[]) => Promise<IRecordRes>;

Add a new record. If adding multiple records, it is recommended to use addRecords to improve performance. ICell can be created using the createCell method of each field. If using RecordValue, the data structure is as follows:

type IRecordValue = {
  fields: {
    [fieldId: string]: IOpenCellValue;
type IRecordValue = {
  fields: {
    [fieldId: string]: IOpenCellValue;

The return value IRecordRes is the recordId of the inserted record.

type IRecordRes = string;
type IRecordRes = string;

It is recommended to use the createCell method of Field to create Cell, and then insert a record by combining cells. Here is an example:

const attachmentCell = await attachmentField.createCell(imageFile);
const recordId = await table.addRecord(attachmentCell);
const attachmentCell = await attachmentField.createCell(imageFile);
const recordId = await table.addRecord(attachmentCell);

The attachmentField can be obtained through the table.getField method.


addRecords: (record?: IRecordValue[] | ICell[] | Array<ICell[]>) => Promise<IRecordRes[]>;
addRecords: (record?: IRecordValue[] | ICell[] | Array<ICell[]>) => Promise<IRecordRes[]>;

Add multiple records. ICell can be created using the createCell method of each field. If using RecordValue, the data structure is as follows:

type IRecordValue = {
  fields: {
    [fieldId: string]: IOpenCellValue;
type IRecordValue = {
  fields: {
    [fieldId: string]: IOpenCellValue;

The return value IRecordRes is an array of recordIds of the inserted records.

type IRecordRes = string;
type IRecordRes = string;

It is recommended to use the createCell method of Field to create Cell, and then insert multiple records by combining cells. Here is an example:

const attachmentCell1 = await attachmentField.createCell(imageFile);
const attachmentCell2 = await attachmentField.createCell(textFile);
const recordIds = await table.addRecords([[attachmentCell1],[attachmentCell2]]);
const attachmentCell1 = await attachmentField.createCell(imageFile);
const attachmentCell2 = await attachmentField.createCell(textFile);
const recordIds = await table.addRecords([[attachmentCell1],[attachmentCell2]]);

The attachmentField can be obtained through the table.getField method.


addRecordByCell: (cells: ICell[]) => Promise<IRecordRes>;
addRecordByCell: (cells: ICell[]) => Promise<IRecordRes>;

Add a record using Cell and return the corresponding RecordId.

const attachmentCell = await attachmentField.createCell(imageFile);
const recordId = await table.addRecord(attachmentCell);
const attachmentCell = await attachmentField.createCell(imageFile);
const recordId = await table.addRecord(attachmentCell);

The attachmentField can be obtained through the table.getField method.


addRecordsByCell: (cells: Array<ICell[]>) => Promise<IRecordRes[]>;
addRecordsByCell: (cells: Array<ICell[]>) => Promise<IRecordRes[]>;

Add multiple records using Cell and return an array of corresponding RecordIds.

const attachmentCell1 = await attachmentField.createCell(imageFile);
const attachmentCell2 = await attachmentField.createCell(textFile);
const recordIds = await table.addRecords([[attachmentCell1],[attachmentCell2]]);
const attachmentCell1 = await attachmentField.createCell(imageFile);
const attachmentCell2 = await attachmentField.createCell(textFile);
const recordIds = await table.addRecords([[attachmentCell1],[attachmentCell2]]);

The attachmentField can be obtained through the table.getField method.


onRecordAdd(callback: (ev: IEventCbCtx<[recordId: string]>) => void): () => void;
onRecordAdd(callback: (ev: IEventCbCtx<[recordId: string]>) => void): () => void;

Listen to the Record Add event.

Get Record


getRecordById(recordId: string): Promise<IRecordValue>;
getRecordById(recordId: string): Promise<IRecordValue>;

Get the record by id. IRecordValue is defined as follows:

type IRecordValue = {
  fields: {
    [fieldId: string]: IOpenCellValue;
type IRecordValue = {
  fields: {
    [fieldId: string]: IOpenCellValue;


getRecords(param: IGetRecordsParams): Promise<IGetRecordsResponse>;
getRecords(param: IGetRecordsParams): Promise<IGetRecordsResponse>;

Batch get records, with a maximum of 500 records at a time. The parameter type is defined as follows:

interface IGetRecordsParams {
  pageSize?: number; // The number of records to get, default is 500, and the maximum is 500
  pageToken?: string; // The page token, not filled in for the first request, indicating to start from the beginning; when there are more results in the page query, a new pageToken will be returned at the same time, and the next traversal can use this pageToken to get the query result
  viewId?: string;  // Get records of the specified view. When filter/sort is passed in, this attribute will be ignored.
interface IGetRecordsParams {
  pageSize?: number; // The number of records to get, default is 500, and the maximum is 500
  pageToken?: string; // The page token, not filled in for the first request, indicating to start from the beginning; when there are more results in the page query, a new pageToken will be returned at the same time, and the next traversal can use this pageToken to get the query result
  viewId?: string;  // Get records of the specified view. When filter/sort is passed in, this attribute will be ignored.

The return value is defined as follows:

interface IGetRecordsResponse {
  total: number;
  hasMore: boolean;
  records: IRecord[];
  pageToken?: string;
interface IGetRecordsResponse {
  total: number;
  hasMore: boolean;
  records: IRecord[];
  pageToken?: string;

Where IRecord is defined as follows:

interface IRecord {
  recordId: string;
  fields: {
    [fieldId: string]: IOpenCellValue;
interface IRecord {
  recordId: string;
  fields: {
    [fieldId: string]: IOpenCellValue;


getRecordsList(filter?: Formula, sort?: Sort): Promise<IRecordList>;
getRecordsList(filter?: Formula, sort?: Sort): Promise<IRecordList>;

Call getRecordList to retrieve the current array of records and then use the encapsulated methods to perform operations on the data, for example:

const recordList = await table.getRecordList();
for (const record of recordList) {
  const cell = await record.getCellByField(fieldId);
  const val = await cell.getValue();
const recordList = await table.getRecordList();
for (const record of recordList) {
  const cell = await record.getCellByField(fieldId);
  const val = await cell.getValue();

For more usage examples, you can refer to the Record module.


getRecordIdList(filter?: string, sort?: string): Promise<string[]>;
getRecordIdList(filter?: string, sort?: string): Promise<string[]>;

Get the ids of the records in the table.


getCellValue(fieldId: string, recordId: string): Promise<IOpenCellValue>;
getCellValue(fieldId: string, recordId: string): Promise<IOpenCellValue>;

Get the value of a cell (it is recommended to use Field to get the value instead).



The temporary link returned by the interface is valid for 10 minutes.

getCellAttachmentUrls(tokens: string[], fieldId: string, recordId: string): Promise<string[]>;
getCellAttachmentUrls(tokens: string[], fieldId: string, recordId: string): Promise<string[]>;

Get the URLs of the attachments in the current attachment cell (it is recommended to use AttachmentField to get the URLs, AttachmentField can get the attachment URLs by passing in the Record/RecordId parameter).

Get the preview URLs of the attachments in the current attachment cell (it is recommended to use AttachmentField to get the URLs, AttachmentField can get the attachment URLs by passing in the Record/RecordId parameter).

getRecordShareLink(recordId: string)
getRecordShareLink(recordId: string)

Get the sharing link for a specific record.

Set Record Values


setCellValue<T extends IOpenCellValue = IOpenCellValue>(fieldId: string, recordId: string, cellValue: T): Promise<boolean>;
setCellValue<T extends IOpenCellValue = IOpenCellValue>(fieldId: string, recordId: string, cellValue: T): Promise<boolean>;

Set the value of a cell (it is recommended to use Field to set the value instead).


setRecord(recordId: string, recordValue?: IRecordValue): Promise<IRecordRes>;
setRecord(recordId: string, recordValue?: IRecordValue): Promise<IRecordRes>;

Set the value of a Record and return the corresponding RecordId. The data format of IRecordValue is as follows:

type IRecordValue = {
  fields: {
    [fieldId: string]: IOpenCellValue;
type IRecordValue = {
  fields: {
    [fieldId: string]: IOpenCellValue;

It is recommended to set the value through Field (Field.setValue).


setRecords(records?: IRecord[]): Promise<IRecordRes[]>;
setRecords(records?: IRecord[]): Promise<IRecordRes[]>;

Set the values of multiple Records and return the corresponding RecordIds. The data format of IRecord is as follows:

interface IRecord {
  recordId: string;
  fields: {
    [fieldId: string]: IOpenCellValue;
interface IRecord {
  recordId: string;
  fields: {
    [fieldId: string]: IOpenCellValue;


getCellString(fieldId: string, recordId: string): Promise<string>;
getCellString(fieldId: string, recordId: string): Promise<string>;

Get the cell value and convert it to a string format.


onRecordModify(callback: (ev: IEventCbCtx<{
  recordId: string;
  fieldIds: string[];
}>) => void): () => void;
onRecordModify(callback: (ev: IEventCbCtx<{
  recordId: string;
  fieldIds: string[];
}>) => void): () => void;

Listen for Record modification events.

Delete Records


deleteRecord(recordId: string): Promise<boolean>;
deleteRecord(recordId: string): Promise<boolean>;

Delete a record by RecordId.


deleteRecords(recordIdList: string[]): Promise<boolean>;
deleteRecords(recordIdList: string[]): Promise<boolean>;

Delete multiple records by an array of RecordIds.


onRecordDelete(callback: (ev: IEventCbCtx<[recordId: string]>) => void): () => void;
onRecordDelete(callback: (ev: IEventCbCtx<[recordId: string]>) => void): () => void;

Listen for Record deletion events.

View Related

Get Views


getActiveView: () => Promise<IView>;
getActiveView: () => Promise<IView>;

Get current view


getViewById: (id: string) => Promise<IView>;
getViewById: (id: string) => Promise<IView>;

Get a view by its id.


getViewList: () => Promise<IView[]>;
getViewList: () => Promise<IView[]>;

Get a list of views.


getViewMetaById(viewId: string): Promise<IViewMeta>;
getViewMetaById(viewId: string): Promise<IViewMeta>;

Get the view information by its id. The type definition of IViewMeta is as follows:

interface IViewMeta {
  id: string;
  name: string;
  type: ViewType;
  property: IBaseViewProperty;
interface IViewMeta {
  id: string;
  name: string;
  type: ViewType;
  property: IBaseViewProperty;


getViewMetaList(): Promise<IViewMeta[]>;
getViewMetaList(): Promise<IViewMeta[]>;

Get a list of all view information. The type definition of IViewMeta is as follows:

interface IViewMeta {
  id: string;
  name: string;
  type: ViewType;
  property: IBaseViewProperty;
interface IViewMeta {
  id: string;
  name: string;
  type: ViewType;
  property: IBaseViewProperty;


isViewExist(viewId: string): Promise<boolean>;
isViewExist(viewId: string): Promise<boolean>;

Check if a view exists by its viewId.