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Cell Module

The Cell module can be understood as a cell in a table view. It can get/set value. There are several ways to retrieve a cell:

  1. Create a Cell by using a field. In this case, the Cell is not inserted into a Table, so setting/getting values will not affect the table. The main purpose of this type of Cell is to be used as a parameter for addRecord/addRecords.
const cell = await field.createCell(val);
const cell = await field.createCell(val);
  1. Get a Cell by using a Field. In this case, the Cell is retrieved from the Table, so setting/getting values will affect the table. Setting a value will update the corresponding data in the Table.
const cell = await field.getCell(recordOrId);
const cell = await field.getCell(recordOrId);
  1. Get a Cell by using a Record. There are two interfaces in a Record that can be used to retrieve a Cell. The Cell obtained through the Record is associated with the Table, so setting/getting values will affect the table.
const cellList = await record.getCellList();
const cell = await record.getCellByField(fieldOrId);
const cellList = await record.getCellList();
const cell = await record.getCellByField(fieldOrId);

It is recommended to use the Field to perform operations on the Cell, as it provides better type hints and autocomplete suggestions for each Cell type. For example:

const attachmentCell = await attachmentField.getCell(recordOrId);
await attachmentCell.setValue(newImageFile);
const attachmentCell = await attachmentField.getCell(recordOrId);
await attachmentCell.setValue(newImageFile);

After obtaining the cell through attachmentField, the setValue method will inform developers that they can pass in File/File[]/FileList to set the value.

Cell can be created using the createCell method of a Field. The created Cell can be used as a parameter for addRecord, making it convenient to insert data. Using a Cell to insert data is also a recommended practice (thinking about data manipulation from the perspective of fields):

const attachmentCell = await attachmentField.createCell(imageFileList);
const singleSelectCell = await singleSelectField.createCell('option1');
const recordId = await table.addRecord([attachmentCell, singleSelectCell]);
const attachmentCell = await attachmentField.createCell(imageFileList);
const singleSelectCell = await singleSelectField.createCell('option1');
const recordId = await table.addRecord([attachmentCell, singleSelectCell]);


editable: boolean;
editable: boolean;

In a multi-dimensional table, not all fields support editing (e.g., creator/creation time fields). This property can be used to check if a field is editable.


setValue: (val: V) => Promise<void | boolean>;
setValue: (val: V) => Promise<void | boolean>;

Sets the value of a cell. If the cell is already inserted into a Table, the value in the Table will be updated in real-time.


getValue: () => Promise<R>;
getValue: () => Promise<R>;

Gets the value of a cell. If the cell is already inserted into a Table, it will retrieve the value from the Table.


getFieldId: () => string;
getFieldId: () => string;

Gets the ID of the field to which the current cell belongs.