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API Guide

It is recommended to start reading from the Quick Start

Based on the knowledge from the Quick Start, you should have a preliminary understanding of the multidimensional table model. This article will help you reinforce your understanding of this model, making it easier to design plugins and query the API.

bitable is the entry point for all APIs. It does not have any API interfaces itself, but it has three properties: base, ui, and bridge. We won't go into detail about the functions of these modules here, but we will explain some common usage patterns.

Base Module

Most API calls are made through the base module because the APIs for manipulating multidimensional tables, such as CRUD operations, are located under base. Here is an example:

import { bitable } from '@lark-base-open/js-sdk';

const table = await bitable.base.getActiveTable();
import { bitable } from '@lark-base-open/js-sdk';

const table = await bitable.base.getActiveTable();

The purpose of getActiveTable is to get the currently selected table on the page. There are many other interfaces available to get a table from the Base module, which can be found in the documentation.

Table Module and Field Module

Once you have obtained a table, you can perform many operations on the data, such as CRUD.

Again, it is recommended to manipulate data from the perspective of field, because the data in each cell is determined by the field type it belongs to. Therefore, when performing CRUD operations using fields, there are many optimizations that can be made. Here is an example:

const attachmentField = await table.getField<IAttachmentField>(fieldId);
const attachemntCell = await attachmentField.createCell(file);
await table.addRecord(attachmentCell);
const attachmentField = await table.getField<IAttachmentField>(fieldId);
const attachemntCell = await attachmentField.createCell(file);
await table.addRecord(attachmentCell);

In this example, we obtain an attachmentField (attachment field) by using the fieldId. When obtaining this field, we pass an important thing: IAttachmentField. This is a type parameter that tells TypeScript that we are getting an attachment field. Therefore, when calling attachmentField.createCell(file), we can get sufficient type hints, indicating that we can construct an attachment cell by directly passing in a File / File[] / FileList.

Then we call the table.addRecord(attachmentCell) method to insert this cell into the table (add a record). The table.addRecord method also supports passing in Cell[] parameters to create a more complete record.

In addition, the IAttachmentField (attachment field) has several convenient APIs for developers:

const attachmentUrls = await attachmentField.getAttachmentUrls(recordId);
const attachmentUrls = await attachmentField.getAttachmentUrls(recordId);

Because the attachment field does not store the actual URLs, multiple steps are required to obtain the actual URLs. However, when considering from the perspective of the field, we can implement these steps in the methods of the field itself. Therefore, it is still highly recommended that you consider data manipulation, field property settings, etc. from the perspective of the field.

In addition to IAttachmentField, we have defined many other field types. You can read more about them in the Field Guide. The Table module also has more API methods for developers to use.

Cell Module

In the previous section, the Cell constructed using the attachmentField.createCell method is also a very important module. When performing data insertion operations, we recommend that developers use Field to construct Cell and insert data. Once a Cell is successfully inserted into a Table, it will be associated with a record. At this time, when performing getValue/setValue, it will be associated with real-time data. You can change the value of the corresponding cell in the table as follows:

await attachmentCell.setValue(newFile);
await attachmentCell.setValue(newFile);

After setValue is successfully executed, the value of the corresponding cell in the table will change. For more API usage, you can refer to the corresponding documentation.

Record Module

The Record module is mainly used to store data. You can find the API documentation here.

UI Module and Bridge Module

UI Module Documentation

Bridge Module Documentation